Monday, March 8, 2010

Diary of three day fat fast

Day 1 on the diet, March 8th.

What I ate:
breakfast: 60 grams of Gouda cheese
lunch: 60 grams of extra fat chicken salad
snack at 4pm: 30 grams of macadamia nuts
diner: 90 grams of extra fat chicken salad (that's 1 1/2 portion)
evening snack: 30 grams of Gouda cheese with 20 grams of salami

First day. I have decided to do the Atkins Keckwick Fatfast diet because I have been struggling to get back on the low carb wagon. All of last week I kept feeling hungry and had cravings. Usually, when I start eating low carb again, my hunger and cravings disappears for at least 80% within one or two days. But not so last week. I caved in during the weekend and gained back the 3 lbs I had lost during the week. So I decided it was time for extra measures.

Day 2 on the Keckwick diet, March 9th

Woke at 5am feeling hungry but feel back to sleep. When I woke at 7am I was hungry, but not craving. Didn't realy like the prospect of another day on the fatfast, but once I had my breakfast I was fine.

Here is what I ate on day 2:
breakfast: 50 grams (2oz) of fullfat Gouda cheese
lunch: 2 egg yolks with mayo (the dog was happy to eat the eggwhites)
snack: 25 grams (1oz) macadamia nuts
dinner: 50 gram (2oz) chickensalad
evening snack: 25 gram (1oz) macadamia nuts

Well, that is not totally honoust, I nicked some french fries from my daughter's happy meal. I just could not resist. Lesson learned: stay away from anything that you like. Clear your cupboards and make food for the rest of the family that is your least favoutite. They will have to suffer a little too.

Day 3, March 10th

Didn't wake up feeling hungry, had no cravings. It's still hard to have a breakfast that consists of only a tiny bowl with cheesecubes. But it's OK and the scale is rewarding me.

My meals are about the same as the days before. My family had macaroni&cheese (leftover from the freezer so I didn't have to cook). I love it, but didn't have some. It's getting easier.

Day 4, March 11th, off the fatfast diet

Today it's back to induction and I am happy to get some salad and have more options and bigger portions. My cravings are gone, my hunger is under control. I lost 1.6kg (3.5 lbs), lost according to my scale a little bit of muscle, but mostly fat.

One week after my start

I am still doing OK. Lost another 2lbs on Induction, even when I had a piece of cake on both Saturday and Sunday because of birthday parties. I might concider doing the fatfast again later on, when the weightloss stalls.

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